
For a full list of publications, please click here to visit our PubMed page


Y, Shu; W, Li; M, Huang; YZ, Quan; D, Scheffer; C, Tian; Y, Tao; X, Liu; K, Hochedlinger; AA, Indzhykulian; Z, Wang; H, Li; ZY, Chen

Renewed proliferation in adult mouse cochlea and regeneration of hair cells Journal Article

In: Nature Communications, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 5530, 2019.

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Y, Tao; M, Huang; Y, Shu; A, Ruprecht; H, Wang; Y, Tang; LH, Vandenberghe; Q, Wang; G, Gao; WJ, Kong; ZY, Chen

Delivery of Adeno-Associated Virus Vectors in Adult Mammalian Inner-Ear Cell Subtypes Without Auditory Dysfunction. Journal Article

In: Human gene therapy, 2018.

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X, Gao; Y, Tao; V, Lamas; M, Huang; WH, Yeh; B, Pan; YJ, Hu; JH, Hu; DB, Thompson; Y, Shu; Y, Li; H, Wang; S, Yang; Q, Xu; DB, Polley; MC, Liberman; WJ, Kong; JR, Holt; ZY, Chen; DR, Liu

Treatment of autosomal dominant hearing loss by in vivo delivery of genome editing agents. Journal Article

In: Nature, vol. 533, no. 7687, pp. 217-221, 2018.

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T, Hai; W, Guo; J, Yao; C, Cao; A, Luo; M, Qi; X, Wang; X, Wang; J, Huang; Y, Zhang; D, Wang; H, Shang; Q, Hong; R, Zhang; Q, Jia; Q, Zheng; G, Qin; Y, Li; T, Zhang; W, Jin; ZY, Chen; H, Wang; Q, Zhou; A, Meng; H, Wei; S, Yang; J, Zhao

Creation of miniature pig model of human Waardenburg syndrome type 2A by ENU mutagenesis. Journal Article

In: Human Genetics, vol. 136, no. 11-12, pp. 1463-1475, 2017.

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P, Perez-Pinera; ZY, Chen

Biomedical applications of gene editing. Journal Article

In: Human Genetics, vol. 135, no. 9, pp. 967-969, 2016.

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Y, Shu; Y, Tao; Z, Wang; Y, Tang; H, Li; P, Dai; G, Gao; ZY, Chen

Identification of Adeno-Associated Viral Vectors That Target Neonatal and Adult Mammalian Inner Ear Cell Subtypes. Journal Article

In: Human gene therapy, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 687-689, 2016.

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